Kelly Smiley Youth Scholarship Applications
Application period: OPEN
Tahoe Flow will issue out scholarship funds to students, between the ages of 8-17, of monetary need on an as available and as needed basis.
- Applicants must provide an essay – no more than 1000 words – describing why they deserve this scholarship
- Applicants must submit one creative piece in conjunction to their essay to further describe why they deserve this scholarship (ex: video, poem, drawing, etc.)
- Applicants must provide a cover letter including name, age, and mailing address
- Applicants must provide a minimum of 1 letter of recommendation
- Applicants must have a C average or higher in school to apply
- Parents of applicants are required to provide proof of income (ex. Tax return, W2)
- For example: students in a family of four are eligible if their families earn no more than $125,600 net annually
- Recipients are required to commit to the entire program awarded
- Scholarships may vary depending on funds raised and multiple eligibility
- Applicants and families must be willing to participate in media interviews and social content creation.
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